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New Life Detoxification

New Life Detoxification is based on L. Ron Hubbard’s breakthrough discovery that LSD residues appeared to remain trapped in the body, mainly in the fatty tissues, long after a person had stopped taking the drug. This explained why someone who had used LSD in the past could suddenly reactivate a “trip” even years later. Further research revealed that many other toxic substances could also remain in the body, producing negative effects for years to come.

The Discovery

Hubbard's discovery was groundbreaking. He observed that individuals who had used LSD could experience flashbacks or reactivations of their trip long after the drug had been ingested. This phenomenon was puzzling and unsettling, as it suggested that the drug's effects were not entirely temporary. Investigations revealed that the residues of LSD and other drugs could be stored in the body's fatty tissues, lying dormant but potentially causing harm or sudden reactivation.

The Problem of Toxic Residues

It wasn't just LSD that posed this issue. Many toxic substances, including other drugs, environmental pollutants, and chemicals, could remain in the body for years. These residues were not harmless; they could interfere with physical and mental health, causing various negative effects. The realization that our bodies could harbor such toxins long-term was alarming and called for a solution.

The Solution: New Life Detoxification

The answer? The New Life Detoxification program. This innovative approach is a combination of exercise, sweating in a dry-heat sauna, and a carefully monitored regimen of hydration and nutrition. The procedures are designed to break up and flush out the toxic residues that remain in the body, even after the person has stopped taking drugs. The key components of this program work synergistically to cleanse the body at a deep level.

Components of the Detoxification Program

Let’s delve deeper into the components:

  • Exercise: Physical activity helps to stimulate the body’s systems and mobilize toxins from the fatty tissues into the bloodstream, where they can be processed and eliminated.

  • Dry-Heat Sauna: Sweating in a sauna facilitates the excretion of toxins through the skin. This method of detoxification is natural and has been used for centuries in various cultures.

  • Hydration: Proper hydration is crucial to support the detoxification process. Water helps to flush out toxins and ensures that the body’s systems function optimally.

  • Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports overall health and aids in the detoxification process. Specific nutrients are essential for liver function, which is the body’s primary detox organ.

Benefits of New Life Detoxification

The benefits of the New Life Detoxification program are profound. Graduates of the program report significant improvements in their physical and mental well-being. They often describe gaining new energy, increased vitality, and a sense of rejuvenation. The detoxification process helps to eliminate drug cravings, allowing individuals to break free from the cycle of addiction.

Testimonials from Narconon Graduates

Ask any Narconon graduate about the New Life Detox. They’ll tell you they sweated out the drugs locked up in their system and gained a new energy, a new vitality—a new life, free from drug cravings. These testimonials highlight the transformative power of the detoxification program. Graduates often share that they feel reborn, with a fresh start and a healthier body and mind.

Scientific Basis and Ongoing Research

The scientific basis for the New Life Detoxification program continues to be a subject of research and interest. Studies are being conducted to understand better how toxins are stored in the body and the most effective methods for their removal. This ongoing research aims to optimize the detoxification process and ensure its safety and efficacy.


In conclusion, the New Life Detoxification program offers a comprehensive solution to the problem of long-term toxin retention in the body. By combining exercise, sauna sessions, hydration, and nutrition, the program helps individuals cleanse their bodies and regain their health. The success stories of Narconon graduates stand as a testament to the effectiveness of this approach. If you or someone you know is struggling with the lingering effects of drug use, consider exploring the New Life Detoxification program as a path to a healthier, drug-free life. Discover more about this transformative program and take the first step towards recovery by visiting our website at

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